Notice of Proposed Rulemaking | February 2022

Public Notice
The City Auditor proposes the following revised administrative rule for adoption: ADM 8.03 Public Records Requests.

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

Portland City Charter Section 2-506(a) authorizes the City Auditor to establish rules for the Auditor’s Office. The City Auditor proposes the following revised administrative rule for adoption:

ARA 8.03 Public Records Requests
The rule is revised for clarity. The revisions also include a new section listing seven guidelines for requesters to follow when submitting public records requests. These guidelines are based on state law and address issues that arise regularly during public records requests.

Reviewing the Proposed Rule

The proposed revisions to ARA 8.03 are available online or as a document that may be downloaded.

How to Submit Comments

The City Auditor invites employees and the public to comment on the proposed revised rule. To be considered, comments must be received by 5:00 PM on March 25, 2022.

Comments may be:

Due to COVID-19, Auditor’s Office staff are working remotely and are not available to accept comments submitted in person or by mail.


Auditor's Office

phone number503-823-4078Hours: We're open Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We accept in-person visits Tuesday to Thursday at City Hall.

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