12/3/2020: The deadline to submit proposals has passed. Thank you for your interest in the Auditor's Office!
We are requesting proposals to conduct anti-racism training and/or educational seminars for 25-50 Auditor’s Office employees. We are interested in hosting a series of speakers, approximately once per quarter, to provide our staff an opportunity to learn about the history of local communities, the experiences and impacts of structural racism, and work to become anti-racist at a personal and organizational level. We anticipate contracting with multiple speakers to ensure a diverse array of topics and expertise presented to our staff.
Topics covered in the trainings/seminars may include, but are not limited to:
• Understanding structural racism and white supremacy culture;
• Anti-racism and racial equity;
• Implicit bias;
• White fragility;
• Epigenetics and racialized trauma;
• How government policies and regulations result in disparities;
• Individual vs. institutional racism;
• Displacement and gentrification;
• The pre-colonial history of the area and experiences of Indigenous people;
• History of exclusion laws and anti-Blackness in Oregon; and
• Experiences of immigrant communities in Portland.
Normally, training would be hosted at our offices at City Hall, but these trainings will be held virtually using the Zoom platform. We have a Zoom account available, so speakers do not need their own account.
If this is the type of work that you or your organization provides, please submit a proposal to auditorsoffice@portlandoregon.govby 5:00 p.m. December 2, 2020. Questions about the proposal may be directed to auditorsoffice@portlandoregon.gov or you may leave a voicemail message at 503-823-4078.
Proposals should include information relating to the topic or topics you propose to speak to, your experience, ability to deliver session(s) virtually, pricing details, and the proposer's organizational structure. Also, please include at least three (3) references that can attest to your experience delivering similar trainings/seminars.
Addendum Number One (1)
RFP: Anti-Racism Training and/or Educational Seminars
Addendum Date: 11/12/20
This Addendum is intended to provide updates and clarification to the above referenced RFP. Any information contained in this Addendum will be considered part of the RFP and will be used in the evaluation of the proposals. If you have already submitted your proposal, please review this addendum and re-submit your response should this addendum modify your proposal.
Addendum Details
Item No. 1 - Update: Purchase order
Clarification: Purchase orders will be awarded to successful proposers in lieu of price agreements. We anticipate awarding purchase orders to multiple speakers to ensure a diverse array of topics and expertise presented to our staff.
Item No. 2 - Update: Proposal submission deadline date
Clarification: Deadline for proposals has been extended to December 2, 2020.
Addendum Number Two (2)
RFP: Anti-Racism Training and/or Educational Seminars
Addendum Date: 11/13/20
This Addendum is intended to provide updates and clarification to the above referenced RFP. Any information contained in this Addendum will be considered part of the RFP and will be used in the evaluation of the proposals. If you have already submitted your proposal, please review this addendum and re-submit your response should this addendum modify your proposal.
Addendum Details
Item No. 1 - Update: Training scope/time available
Clarification: We are accepting proposals for trainings lasting anywhere from one to eight hours. The training can go over multiple days.
Addendum Number Three (3)
RFP: Anti-Racism Training and/or Educational Seminars
Addendum Date: 11/9/20
This Addendum is intended to provide updates and clarification to the above referenced RFP. Any information contained in this Addendum will be considered part of the RFP and will be used in the evaluation of the proposals. If you have already submitted your proposal, please review this addendum and re-submit your response should this addendum modify your proposal.
Addendum Details
Item No. 1 - Update: Joint proposals
Clarification: We are accepting joint proposals. If bidders are interested in collaborating with others for trainings or sessions, we welcome bids that include multiple presenters.
Item No. 2 - Update: Paperwork required
Clarification: There is new vendor paperwork that would have to be submitted before the issuance of purchase orders. The City requires the following forms: Business Tax Registration, EEO Certification, Equal Benefits Certification, and an ACH Vendor Payment Authorization Form. You may also be required to submit a Worker’s Compensation Insurance Statement and Insurance Certificate. However, you do not need to submit any of this as part of your bid.