Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

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Now Available: City of Portland Quarter 2, 2021 Lobbyist Reports, Political Consultant Reports, and Calendars

Press Release
image of downtown portland and bridge with words on top reading "City Elections Office: Lobbying Regulations Press Release."
2021 Second Quarter disclosures for City lobbying, political consultants, and City official business calendars are now available for the public to view. Highlights are included below.
In this article

August 5, 2021

Louise Hansen, City Elections Officer
(503) 865-6503
Mary Hull Caballero, City Auditor

Quarter 2, 2021 Disclosures

View Lobbying and Political Consultant Regulations for additional information.

Quarter 2 Lobbying Topics

Most frequently disclosed lobbying communications were related to the following topics:

  • Business/Economic Development: Budget, Economic Development
  • Housing and Community Development: Safety/Security, Higher Education
  • COVID-19 Issues: Ankeny West Food Carts, Housing
  • Planning: Office of the Mayor and Sam Adams, Franchise and Broadband

Quarter 2 Spending

  • Lobbying groups reported spending approximately $87,700 in the quarter on City lobbying efforts. 
  • The following registered entities reported exceeding the quarterly lobbying threshold by spending more than $1,000:

Quarter 2 Lobbying Reports

Recent Lobbying Enforcement

Business for a Better Portland (BBPDX) received its first warning for submitting a late Quarter 1, 2021 Quarterly Statement.

Quarter 2 Political Consultant Disclosures and Enforcement

  • Mayor Wheeler reported consulting services with NWP Consulting.
  • Commissioner Mapps reported consulting services with Robert Dobrich.

Please direct any questions to lobbyist@portlandoregon.gov for the quickest response or call 503-865-6503.


Lobbying Regulations

Office of the Auditor

Auditor's Office

phone number503-823-4078Hours: We're open Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We accept in-person visits Tuesday to Thursday at City Hall.

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