Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Land Use Hearings

The Hearings Officer holds public hearings on Type III land use cases and appeals of Type II and Type IIx land use decisions as designated by the Portland Zoning Code (Title 33).

Time varies by case.

Submitting Documents or Viewing the Land Use File

Once the Hearings Office receives the staff report or administrative decision from the Portland Permitting & Development, usually 10 days prior to the scheduled hearing, the Hearings Office will be the main point of contact to submit documents for the case or to view the file. The Hearings Office will continue to be the place to submit documents until the record closes. The Hearings Office will remain the main point of contact to view the file until the Hearings Officer issues their decision or recommendation.

To view the documents received by the Hearings Office:

All Hearings Office received documents are available in the online case management system. If you want to view the Hearings Office file only, and not submit document(s), you can use the public user logon to view the file:

User Name: GuestUserPHO

Password: PHguestp$$wd5

The online case management system does not contain Exhibits A through G that were received by the Portland Permitting & Development. To view those exhibits, please contact the Hearings Office Clerks to request a link to any or all of those exhibits.

To Submit Documents:

To access the system and submit documents during the open record period, you will need to create a user name and password. Please see these instructions on using the online system and creating a user account: 

How To Create A New User Account

or our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 

Portland Permitting & Development

Portland Permitting & Development (PP&D), a separate entity from the Hearings Office, receives the applications for land use reviews. PP&D planners make Administrative Decisions on Type II or Type IIx applications (which can then be heard on appeal by the Hearings Officer). For Type III applications, the PP&D planner makes a recommendation to the Hearings Officer and also provides an overview of the case and approval criteria at the public hearing. 

For more information on PP&D land use, please visit their webpage: https://www.portland.gov/ppd/zoning-land-use

 City Code Regulations:

All land use reviews must meet the relevant approval criteria. Title 33 outlines the criteria for each land use application type.

Title 33 Planning and Zoning

Administrative Rules:

These are the administrative procedures that the Hearings Office follows for land use reviews.

ADM-9.02 Land Use Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Mailing address

Hearings Office
1900 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 3100
Portland, OR 97201
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