Election results

You can follow along as Multnomah County shares election results at MultnomahVotes.gov

Veterans Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.

LU 24-019205 CU (4240015) Type II Land Use Hearing

Public Hearing
2:30 pm 4:00 pm
Available Online

Case number: 4240015
Case type: Land Use
Attendees: Applicant/Owner: Brenson Ennis 
Planner(s): Don Kienholz                                                                                                                     Hearing location: Via Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83930810318
Meeting ID: 839 3081 0318

Site Address #: 2213 SE 60th Ave
Government Representative: DON KIENHOLZ