Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.
Civic Life’s response to grantee non-compliance and poor communication within the City resulted in waste and inefficiency
The Auditor’s Office found evidence of waste and inefficiency in Civic Life’s handling of a grant non-compliance issue and the City’s grant management. Civic Life spent more money than intended and disregarded City policy and the City did not foster communication between bureaus.

Adoption of Administrative Rules 6.01 Ombudsman’s Office Policies & Procedures and 10.01 Fraud Hotline | April 2024
The City Auditor’s Office has adopted new administrative rules effective April 10, 2024.
Public notice
Fraud Hotline Report: Civic Life’s mismanagement of the Kenton Firehouse was wasteful and inefficient
The Auditor's Office found evidence of waste and inefficiency due to the lack of a formal agreement and Civic Life bypassing City financial policies in the management of the Kenton Firehouse. Auditors also found that the lack of documented rental transactions risked the appearance of fraud.

Fraud Hotline Update: Joint Office of Homeless Services contract managers have more training and tools, but some role conflicts have not been addressed
Contract managers receive more training and guidance, but the Joint Office does not plan to separate duties as recommended.
News article

Fraud Hotline Report: City’s repeated installation of curb ramps was inefficient and wasteful
The Auditor’s Office found evidence of waste and inefficiency in project management stemming from unclear responsibilities and miscommunication throughout a curb replacement project.

Fraud Hotline Report: Tips about Transportation manager alleged government waste and abuse
The Auditor’s Office found evidence of waste and abuse when investigating tips about vehicle use and outside employment in the Transportation Bureau. We shared our findings and recommendations with the Transportation Bureau.

Fraud Hotline Update: New Fire Bureau compensation package allows use of City water to wash personal vehicles, but risk of perceived waste and disregard for resource conservation remains
Some progress made, but Fire Bureau changed rules to allow washing personal vehicles with City water despite Auditor’s finding of government waste.
News article

Fraud Hotline Report: Purchasing problems lead to inefficiency and mistrust
The Auditor’s Office found evidence of inefficiency when investigating a tip about sole source contracting by the Community Safety Division. We shared our findings and recommendations to Community Safety and Procurement Services, which provided guidance and training to the Division.

2022 Fraud Hotline Annual Report
The Auditor’s Office Fraud Hotline provides City employees and members of the public a way to confidentially report suspected fraud, waste, and abuse of position by or against the City.

Fraud Hotline Report: Funds wasted at veteran apartment complex
The Joint Office spent over $850,000 in rent to house needy veterans but allowed the property to deteriorate into unsafe, unsanitary conditions leaving the office scrambling to find new shelter. Without adequate oversight, the office risks wasting money intended to aid Portlanders without housing.

2021 Fraud Hotline Annual Report
The Auditor’s Office Fraud Hotline provides City employees and members of the public a way to confidentially report suspected fraud, waste, and abuse of position by or against the City.

Fraud Hotline Report: Firefighters used City water to wash personal trucks
The Auditor’s Office found evidence of wasted resources when investigating a tip about a firefighter washing a personal vehicle on City property. We referred findings and recommendations to the Fire Bureau.

2020 Fraud Hotline Annual Report
The Auditor’s Office Fraud Hotline provides City employees and members of the public a way to confidentially report suspected fraud, waste, and abuse of position by or against the City.

Fraud Hotline report: Procurement card misuse in the Parks Ranger Program
The Auditor’s Office found evidence of waste when investigating a tip about spending in the Park Ranger Program.

2019 Fraud Hotline Annual Report
Confidential tips to the Auditor’s Fraud Hotline led to 13 investigations in 2019, three of which resulted in substantiated findings of waste or abuse of position.

Fraud Hotline report: Police Bureau put money that could have been used for other City priorities at risk when it failed to remedy concerns about grant funds
The Police Bureau risked spending more than $400,000 in General Fund money instead of federal grant funds because it did not heed warnings that the Sex Crimes Unit was out of compliance with grant requirements.

Fraud Hotline report: Tip alleged procurement and ethics violations within the Water Bureau
The Auditor’s Office found evidence of procurement and ethics violations in an investigation prompted by a tip to the fraud hotline. The Water Bureau agreed to implement recommended process changes.

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