Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.


Audit Services News Menu
Displaying 1 - 20 of 132

2023 Audit Impact Report: Leadership on coordination, prioritization, and decision-making most needed to implement recommendations by service area

Overall, the City implemented under half of our audit recommendations as of 2023, below the average of other comparable cities. Implementation across service areas ranged from zero to 88 percent. Service areas need leadership on coordination, prioritization, and decision-making to make progress.


Vision Zero: Portland Bureau of Transportation needs to systematically evaluate whether its safety projects reduce traffic deaths and serious injury crashes

Our audit of Vision Zero found rising fatal crashes despite the plan’s focus on traffic safety. The audit calls on the Transportation Bureau to evaluate completed projects to ensure they reduce deaths and injuries and result in equitable outcomes. Data-driven strategies are needed for safer streets.


2023 Audit Impact Report: Opportunities to coordinate services and improve equity of City government as it transitions

The City implemented under half of our audit recommendations as of 2023, below the average of other comparable cities. Portlanders need bold leadership, with a focus on coordination, for the City to make progress on recommendations not yet implemented and to continue to improve equity of services.


Technology Purchasing: Citywide strategy and guidance needed to address problems

We reviewed seven technology purchases and found Technology Services was reactive in coordinating technology purchases. This resulted in inefficiencies and delays. Centralized accountability and guidance are needed for bureaus if the City is to meet strategic goals for purchasing and equity.


Auditors pass peer review

Learn more about the recent “Audit of the auditors”

Blog post

Audit Report: Inclusionary Housing: Housing Bureau should improve Program goals, support for property owners, and monitoring to ensure Program helps address housing crisis

The Inclusionary Housing Program requires developers to include affordable homes in some new buildings. We examined the Program and if it helped property owners follow the rules. The Housing Bureau should improve the goals, property owner support, and monitoring so the Program works as intended.

Updated Report

Audit Report: Joint Office of Homeless Services: Sustained focus on shelter system needed to address unmet needs

Our audit found that the adult and family shelters funded by the Joint Office of Homeless Services were generally full and had long waitlists, could be difficult to access, and only sometimes helped participants move to permanent housing.


Adoption of Administrative Rules 6.01 Ombudsman’s Office Policies & Procedures and 10.01 Fraud Hotline | April 2024

The City Auditor’s Office has adopted new administrative rules effective April 10, 2024.

Public notice

Help us choose what to audit!

Every year, we pick about five areas of the City of Portland to audit. We'd love to hear your ideas on how we can make Portland work better for everyone.

News article

Audit Update: The Fire Bureau has taken steps to improve its accountability system; Human Resources made one improvement to its investigation guidelines, but disagrees others are necessary

This is a one-year follow-up to our 2022 report, "Fire & Rescue does not have a coherent accountability system," that recommended Fire set clear expectations for work requirements and employee conduct, and Human Resources improve guidance and monitoring of complaints, investigations, and discipline

News article

Audit Report: Portland Fire & Rescue's Community Health Division programs need guidance and leadership to provide Portlanders with the services they need and reduce demands on firefighters

Our audit identified gaps in the Fire Bureau’s management of the Community Health Division, worsened by an inconsistent commitment to its programs. We make recommendations to articulate goals, plans, and monitor its programs to best serve Portlanders and offset demands on traditional fire crews.


Audit Update: Momentous move by Council to consolidate permitting as City reforms continue

This is a two-year follow-up to our 2021 report, Building Permit Audit: Long-standing inability to meet customers’ needs won’t improve without better management, sustained governance.

News article

Audit Update: The Office of Management and Finance has addressed most City credit card risks; purchase of gift cards prohibited until City policy is in place

This is a two-year follow-up to our 2021 report, City credit card use slowed during pandemic but exposes underlying risks.

News article

Audit Update: Council’s legislative changes helped the Portland Clean Energy Fund put management systems in place

This is a one-year follow-up to our 2022 report Portland Clean Energy Fund: Additional steps needed to implement voter-approved program.

News article

Portland Bureau of Transportation: Process in place to ensure capital projects meet specifications, but there were ways around it

Transportation had a formal process to document inspections before making payments, but staff were able to work around steps. Supervisors didn’t have procedures to identify allowable exceptions. We make recommendations to ensure staff follow the process and that supervisors are aware of exceptions.


Audit Update: Bureaus have taken initial steps to address challenges in maintaining the City’s sewers, but have not re-evaluated their overall agreement

This is a one-year follow-up to our 2021 report Sewer Maintenance: Renewed attention to partnership needed to better serve ratepayers.

News article

Audit Services Update: Police made some progress to strengthen intelligence gathering policies, but other management improvements remain

This is a one-year follow-up to our 2022 report Police Intelligence-Gathering and Surveillance: Better management needed to protect civil rights.

News article

Audit Update: No progress on Citywide collection strategies; some improvements by individual bureaus

This is a one-year follow-up to our 2022 report: Taxes, fines, and fees: Customers who owe caught in a maze of inconsistent and uncoordinated collection strategies.

News article

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking | April 2023

The City Auditor proposes the following revised human resources administrative rules for adoption: ARA 3.03, ARA 3.04, ARA 3.06, ARA 3.10, and ARA 3.11.

Public notice

Gang Enforcement Audits Update: Police Bureau has improved patrol activities, but still needs a policy for using gang information

Since our 2018 audits on the Police Bureau's Gang Enforcement Team, the Police Bureau has formed new units. This follow-up on our 2018 recommendations found the Bureau has improved patrol activities, but still needs a policy for using gang information.

News article

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