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Audit reports from 2016 and earlier

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Audit reports available online from 2013 and earlier

Please contact the Portland City Auditor Archives & Records Management Division if you are having trouble accessing the Efiles record or – if a report is not listed below – you would like assistance with searching for and retrieving an older hardcopy report.

Audit reports available from 2013 and earlier
Title of Audit ReportAudit YearWeb link
Portland Parks and Recreation: Managing diverse assets requires evaluation of maintenance (Report 439) - Aug. 20132013https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Emergency Communications: Training, quality control and procedures warrant improvement (Report 430) - Jul. 20132013https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
City of Portland 23rd Annual Community Survey Results (Report 450) - Oct. 20132013https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Human Capital Management Software: Most modules now implemented, but additional costs exceeded $3 million (Report 437) - Oct. 20132013https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Residential and Commercial Inspections: Strengthen oversight and management practices; document procedures (Report 420A) - Sept. 20132013https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Development Commission: Records management systems in place, but support and direction needed (Report 442) - Apr. 20132013https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Public Safety Revitalization Program: Management problems impact cost and schedule of goals (Report 422) - Apr. 20132013https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Street Pavement: Condition shows need for better stewardship (Report 432) - Feb. 20132013https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Transportation Funding: Revenues up, spending on maintenance down (Report 436) - Jan. 20132013https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Transition Report: Key risks for City Council (Report 438) - Jul. 20132013https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Emergency Management: Coordination improved and most essential functions complete (Report 441) - Jun. 20132013https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland’s Fiscal Sustainability and Financial Condition: Long-term financial position needs attention (Report 443) - Jun. 20132013https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Urban Services Policy and Resolution A: Core City services not articulated: 30-year-old commitments obsolete (Report 433) - Mar. 20132013https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Housing Bureau: Bureau acting on risks, although more remains to be done (Report 421) - 5/1/20122012https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Report to the community (Report 431) - Jul. 20122012https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Development Commission: Indicators in Urban Renewal Areas suggest economic progress (Report 440) - Dec. 20122012https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Debt Reserves: Legal reserves meet requirements, but internal reserves need more accountability (Report 425) - Aug. 20122012https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
City of Portland 22nd Annual Community Survey Results (Report 428) - Oct. 20122012https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
City Financial Transactions: Issues warrant management attention (Report 406A) - Sept. 20122012https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
PDC Economic Development Loans: Loan Programs improved, but tracking major borrowers limited (Report 419) - 3/1/20122012https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Police Bureau Learning: Improvements needed to strengthen existing processes (Report 416) - 5/1/20122012https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Fire & Rescue: More active management of overtime and call shifts needed for good stewardship of limited resources (Report 418) - Jun. 20122012https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Residential Solid Waste: Customer rates accurate, but monitoring should continue (Report 429) - Jun. 20122012https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Downtown Office Space: City uses most of its owned space, but least practices need attention (Report 417) - Apr. 20122012https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Development Commission: Financial transact review reveals areas warranting management attention (Report 406B) - Feb. 20122012https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
DNA Testing: Turnaround time must improve to meet national guidelines (Report 427) - Jan. 20122012https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Water Bureau: Further advances in asset management would benefit taxpayers (Report 405) - Jun. 20122012https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Fire & Rescue: Emergency response time goal not met, though PF&R strives for excellence (Report 366) - 7/1/20102010https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Police Taser Use: Incidents generally resolved, but some practices and policies could be improved (Report 386) - Nov. 20102010https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Business System Software Implementation: Expensive, late, and incomplete (Report 392) - Nov. 20102010https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
City of Portland 20th Annual Community Survey Results (Report 395) - Nov. 20102010https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Facilities Services: Project management practices improved (Report 394) - Sept. 20102010https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Emergency Management: Coordination limited and essential functions incomplete (Report 389) - 5/1/20102010https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Police Bureau: Drug training aid procedures strengthened, recently improved practices should continue (Report 391) - 5/1/20102010https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland job creation and stimulus: Construction spending is up, while actual job creation remains unknown (Report 388) - 6/1/20102010https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Sheltered Market Program Audit Report (Report 379) - 1/6/102010https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Fire Hotline Parking Memorandum2022https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Enhanced Service Districts: City provides little oversight of privately funded public services (Report 529) - Additional documentation related to original audit report and Central Eastside agreements2009https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Enhanced Service Districts: City provides little oversight of privately funded public services (Report 529) - Additional documentation related to original audit report and Clean & Safe agreements2009https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
City of Portland 21st Annual Community Survey Results (Report 409)2011https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Audit of the Auditor: 2011 Peer Review of the Audit Services Division2011https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Span of Control: Although numbers are reported, bureaus lack organizational structure goals (Report 397) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland's Fiscal Sustainability and Financial Condition: Actions now can reduce risk of future problems (Report 399) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Center for the Performing Arts: Outsourced management good for the City, but agreements and oversight need improvement (Report 393) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Fire and Police Disability and Retirement: Improvements resulted from 2006 Charter reforms, but significant fiscal challenges remain (Report 408) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Police Property Evidence Division: Internal controls and physical security strong; tracking system needs improvement (Report 403) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Spending Utility Ratepayer Money: Not always linked to services, decision process inconsistent (Report 398) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Percent for Art: Progress made, but consistency can be improved (Report 401)2011https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Sewer Maintenance: BES and PBOT maintain the system together, but should consider operational changes https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments 2009-102010https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Police Taser Use: Incidents generally resolved, but some practices and policies could be improved https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Business System Software Implementation: Expensive, late, and incomplete https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
City of Portland 20th Annual Community Survey Results https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Facilities Services: Project management practices improved https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Fire & Rescue: Emergency response time goal not met, though PF&R strives for excellence https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland job creation and stimulus: Construction spending is up, while actual job creation remains unknown https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Emergency Management: Coordination limited and essential functions incomplete https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Police Bureau: Drug training aid procedures strengthened, recently improved practices should continue https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Sheltered Market Program: Need for clearer focus and stronger management (Report #379) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 2008-09 (Report #380B) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Resident Survey Results 2009 (Report #380A) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Federal Stimulus: Portland well-positioned to receive funds and meet requirements (Report #387) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Fraud Reporting: Clarification of process and training needed (Report #374) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Clean Air: City enforces parking laws to improve air quality (Report #381) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
PDC Contracting Follow-up: Contracting concerns addressed through a centralized procurement structure (Report #377) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Public Works Supervisor Overtime: Most recommendations implemented but confusion about revised rule persists (Report #369B) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Utility and Franchise Revenue: Equitable tax and consistent approach needed to improve collections (Report #375) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Overtime Management: Significant City expenditures lack policies and safeguards (Report #369A) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Financial Condition in the City of Portland: 1999-2008 (Report #372) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Transition Report: Key challenges for a new City Council (Report #376) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Five-Year Parks Levy: Facilities and services enhanced, but ballot title misleading (Report #371) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 2007-08 (Report #360) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Fire & Rescue: Controlled substances monitoring falls short of requirements (Report #364) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Development Commission: Developers comply with Disposition and Development Agreements, but PDC does not monitor adequately (Report #358) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Audit of the Auditor - 2008 Peer Review of the Audit Services Division (Report #368) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Street Paving: Office of Transportation improved quality assurance, but is resurfacing fewer streets (Report #359) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Office of Neighborhood Involvement: Clearer goals and more comprehensive measures needed to improve accountability (Report #363) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Downtown SmartMeters: Most goals met, but long term analysis of cost-benefits and reliability needed (Report #352B) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Housing Tax Abatements: Oversight inadequate to ensure program goals (Report #362) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Public Participation in Capital Projects: Bureau processes align with best practices but should be formalized and available to residents (Report #347) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Mandatory Supervisory Training: not cost-effective and should be streamlined (Report #354) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Police Overtime: Most recommendations implemented, but more could be done (Report #361) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Construction Contracts: Bureau of Environmental Services strengthened its contract management procedures (Report #348B) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Construction Contracts: Facilities Services needs to improve coordination with the bureaus to reduce costs and delays (Report #348A) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 2006-07 (Report #340) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Downtown Parking Meters: Meters and pay stations are working, but certain transactions can be challenging (Report #352A) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
City Computers: Computers found with difficulty, tracking systems need to be improved (Report #350) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
City Recruitment Process: Monitoring needed to ensure balance of flexibility and fairness (Report #356) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Ending Homelessness: Many short-term goals met; now long-term success should be defined (Report #336) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Parks Facility Maintenance: Tracking, assessment and measurement have improved (Report #353) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Parks and Recreation Follow-up: New softball contract allows Parks to develop competitive request for proposals (Report #355) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Strategic Sourcing: Projected savings not achieved – program poorly implemented (Report #349) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Sexual Assault Response and Investigation: Portland efforts fall short of victim-centered approach (Report #342) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Financial Condition in the City of Portland: 1997-2006 (Report #326) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Pandemic Flu Planning: City bureaus aware of national plans (Report #345) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 2005-06 (Report #330) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Revenue Bureau License and Tax Division: Program makes significant progress since last audit (Report #337) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Fire Station Bond Program: Citizen oversight in place and spending matches voter intent (Report #338) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Public Works Supervisor Overtime: City rules allowing overtime need clarification (Report #335) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Street Paving: City work not meeting pavement quality standards (Report #324D) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Street Paving: Current contract management practices put asphalt price and supply stability at risk (Report #324C) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Financial Transaction Review: Few results identified for further study (Report #334) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Street Paving: More proactive maintenance could preserve additional city streets within existing funding (Report #324B) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Bureau of Technology Services: Customers see improved service, but improved communication would help (Report #314C) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Development Commission: Economic development efforts effective, but improvements needed to measure and manage future success (Report #322) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Street Paving: City needs to demonstrate least cost (Report #324A) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Partial Day Leave for Exempt Employees: Clarification would improve policy (Report #327) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 2004-05 (Report #320) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Office of Government Relations: Expense documentation and approval process can be improved (Report #325) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Development Commission Internal Controls: Policies are in place, but authorizations and documentation are often lacking (Report #321) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Best Practices for Information Technology Governance (Report #314B) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Parks Bureau Softball: Operating agreement for the softball program should be revised as it nears self-sufficiency (Report #323) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Percent for Art Program: Financial allocation process is informal, inconsistent, and may not fulfill requirements for public art (Report #317) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Development Review Process: Bureau commitments to improve timeliness and efficiency have not been fully accomplished (Report #318) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Audit of the Auditor - 2005 Peer Review of the Audit Services Division (Report #315) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
2004 Citizen Survey: Results from six targeted neighborhoods (Report #316) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Police Investigations: Improvements needed to address relatively low clearance rates (Report #312) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
I.T. rate methodology reasonable but charges inadequately explained (Report #314) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Financial Condition in the City of Portland: 1995-2004 (Report #306) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 2003-04 (Report 310) - 12/1/04 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
SUMMARY: Service Efforts and Accomplishments, 2003-04 (Report 310) - 12/1/04 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland's Water Distribution System: Maintenance Program Needs Improvement (Report 299) - 8/23/04 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
SUMMARY: Portland's Water Distribution System (Report 299) - 8/23/04 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Corporate Geographic Information Systems: A Review of Status and Accomplishments (Report 307) - 8/19/04 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
SUMMARY: Corporate Geographic Information Systems (Report 307) - 8/19/04 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Bureau of Licenses: Opportunities to Improve Revenue Collection & Strengthen Internal Controls (Report 305) - 4/16/04 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
SUMMARY: Bureau of Licenses (Report 305) - 4/16/04 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 2002-03 (Report 300) - 11/20/03 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Best Practices for Information System Software Acquisition and Implementation (Report 298) - 6/10/03 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Business Survey (Report 294) - 5/3/03 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Development Review Process: Progress Made, Further Improvements Needed (Report 289) - 1/23/03 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 2001-02 (Report 290) - 12/31/02 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Managing for Results: A Proposal for the City of Portland (Report 288) - 12/27/02 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Procurement Card Program: A Review of Internal Controls (Report 286) - 11/26/02 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Audit of the Auditor - 2002 Peer Review of the Audit Services Division (Report 291A) - 6/20/02 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
A Review of the Efforts and Accomplishments of City Housing Programs: 1996-2000 (Report 274) - 6/5/02 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Financial Trends in the City of Portland: 1992-2001 (Report 283) - 3/2/02 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Bureau of Emergency Communications: Analysis of Staffing Requirements and Employee Retention Strategies (Report 285) - 2/26/02 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 2000-01 (Report 280) - 12/31/01 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
The City's Consultant Contracting Procedures Need to be Strengthened (Report 275) - 12/21/01 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Addressing Citizen Complaints about Police: A Proposal for Change (Report 282) - 3/13/01 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 1999-00 (Report 270) - 12/29/00 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Police Bureau: A Review of Overtime Management Systems (Report 272) - 11/9/00 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Commercial Building Fire Inspections: Opportunities to Improve Impact and Lower Costs (Report 271) - 9/28/00 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Financial Trends in the City of Portland: 1990-1999 (Report 266) - 4/1/00 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 1998-99 (Report 260) - 3/15/00 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Bureau of Parks and Recreation: A Review of Management Systems (Report 261) - 2/15/00 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Audit of the Auditor - 1999 Peer Review of the Audit Services Division (Report 254A) - 10/15/99 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Deferred Compensation Program: Improved Education and Administrative Changes could Benefit Participants and Lower Costs (Report 257) - 9/28/99 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Review of the Multnomah County Ambulance Contractor's Compliance with the Urban Response Time Requirement -- A joint project with the Multnomah County and City of Portland Auditor's Offices (Report 268A) - 8/11/99 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Outer Southeast: A Review of Citizen Satisfaction (Report 258) - 5/1/99 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Facilities Services Division, Bureau of General Services: Developing and Reporting Performance Measures (Report 252) - 4/19/99 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Consolidation of Fire Apparatus Maintenance with the Fleet Services Division: An Analysis of Potential Savings (Report 255) - 3/15/99 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 1997-98 (Report 250) - 12/30/98 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
City of Portland Telephone Customer Service Practices & Guidelines (Report 245) - 12/28/98 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Police Evidence Funds (Report 248) - 12/18/98 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Bureau of Environmental Services: Opportunities to Improve Management of Construction and Consultant Contracts (Report 238) - 12/10/98 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Parks Bond Construction Fund: Status of Improvement Projects (Report 247) - 9/30/98 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 1996-97 (Report 240) - 4/30/98 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Audit of the Parks Bureau, Multnomah Art Center Association (Report 246) - 4/17/98 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Review of Emergency Response Statistics (Report 237) - 4/16/98 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
City Fleet Services: Review of Costs and Performance (Report 236) - 3/25/98 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
The City Review: A user-friendly newsletter on City performance (Report 230) - January 1998 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Audit of the Portland Fire Bureau's Internal Controls (Report 241) - 10/1/97 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Review of Brentwood Water Main Construction Project (Report 226) - 6/27/97 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Development Review Process: Need to Coordinate Efforts and Clarify Policies (Report 210) - 5/22/97 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Review of City Internal Services: Bureau of Information Services (Report 234b) - 4/29/97 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
General Fund Overhead Cost Trends (Report 235) - 4/21/97 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Review of City Internal Services: Bureau of General Services (Report 234) - 2/14/97 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Housing: Clarify Priorities, Consolidate Efforts, Add Accountability (Report 208) - 1/31/97 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Missed Opportunities: Unimplemented Recommendations from Audits & Studies (Report 233) - 1/21/97 https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 1995-96 (Report 227) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Residential Solid Waste (Report 224) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Audit of the Auditor - 1996 Peer Review (Report 231A) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Golf Concessionaire Selection (Report 218) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Water & Sewer Billing and Collections (Report 207) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Enterprize Zone Tax Abatement (Report 216) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 1995-96 (Report 215) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Report to Citizens – Popular Report (Report206) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
City Golf Program (Report 193) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Competitive Contracting (Report 179) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
City of Portland Financial Trends: 1985-94 (Report 187) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland Police Bureau Property-Evidence Center (Report 191) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Assessments and Liens Limited Review (Report 203) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 1993-94 (Report 201) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Managing Employee Injuries (Report 200) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Portland's Street Parking Program (Report 195) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Span of Control Study - Appendices (Report 198) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Span of Control Study - Report (Report 198) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Span of Control Study - FULL combined Report & Appendices (Report 198) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Deployment of Patrol Staff in the Portland Police Bureau (Report 185) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Audit Services Division 1994 Annual Report - Brochure (Report 189A) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…
Containing the Cost of City Health Care Programs (Report #120, and IAR #2-86) https://efiles.portlandoregon.g…

All audit reports

Find every audit report available electronically through the archives in eFiles 

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