View our audit reports by year and topic

Icon and text banner that says, "By year"

View reports by year from 2017 to current

View our audit reports by when they were published. Reports appear in a descending ordered list by date. Filters can be applied to narrow your results by specific years. An archival list of older audit reports from 2005-2016 is available separately online.

Icon and text banner that says, "City Administration"

City Administration
Browse our audit reports about City administration topics. This includes the Office of Management and Finance, human resources, internal business services, technology services/information technology, government relations, and the City Attorney's Office.

Icon and text banner that says, "Community Development"

Community Development
Browse our audit reports about community development. This includes development services, planning and sustainability, neighborhood involvement, Prosper Portland (formerly known as Portland Development Commission) and urban renewal, equity and human rights, and housing.

Icon and text banner that says, "Finances"

Browse our audit reports about finance topics. This includes audits about the City's budget, taxes, fees, other revenues, the City Budget Office and the Bureau of Revenue and Financial Services.

Icon and text banner that says, "Parks, recreation, and culture"

Parks, Recreation, and Culture
Browse our audit reports about Portland Parks and Recreation programs, and culture services. This includes audits about the Regional Arts and Culture Council, the golf program, recreation scholarships, the Arts Tax, and the City's tree code.

Icon and text banner that says, "Performance, community surveys"

Performance, Community Surveys
Browse our audit reports about government performance and our community surveys. 

Icon and text banner that says, "Public safety"

Public Safety
Browse our audit reports about public safety topics. This includes audits about police, fire and rescue, emergency communications (9-1-1), and emergency management.

Icon and text banner that says, "Public utilities"

Public Utilities
Browse our audit reports about public utilities. This includes environmental services, wastewater, sewer, water, and hydroelectric power.

Icon and text banner that says, "Transportation"

Browse our audit reports about transportation topics. This includes audits about streets, Portland Streetcar, and parking.