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Online Exhibits

Online Exhibits
Exhibits included here highlight the City's collections and history.

The Portland City Archives is excited to announce its new exhibit, A History of the Portland Archives & Records Center. Portland officials have produced records since the incorporation of the City of Portland in 1851. The earliest surviving City records include charters and council documents relating to government structure and detailing laws and regulations. For over one hundred years, City officials kept and stored their own records, but as the size of the city expanded, this system became problematic. 

Check out the new exhibit outlining the development of the Portland City Archives & Records Management’s program and facility over the course of the division’s history! View the exhibit online or in person at the Portland Archives & Records Center 

Exhibit banner. See caption for more detail.

A promotional graphic for the exhibit featuring a 1940 aerial of the City incinerator, a 1982 photograph of a PARC staffer in the stackA black and white photo of the City incinerator, a PARC staffer working in the stacks, and the 2006 construction of the new PARC and Portland State University building. 

View past exhibits:

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