What we're working on in 2024

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Take a look at our progress across different audit topics.
On this page

Information Technology Acquisition

We are concluding an audit of how the City buys information technology. This audit looked at the role of the Bureau of Technology Services, bureaus that get new information technology to deliver their services, and risks in the process. 

Please email Minh Dan Vuong with feedback or questions.

Vision Zero

We are concluding an audit of the Vision Zero program that the City of Portland adopted in 2016. The goal of Vision Zero is to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries on the roads inside the City of Portland.

This audit objective is to determine if the Portland Bureau of Transportation identified and delivered safety projects from the Vision Zero Action Plan in a timely and equitable manner. We anticipate publishing audit results in the Summer of 2024.

Please email Bob Mackay with feedback or questions.

Citywide Asset Management

We are in the early planning phases of an audit of the City's approach to managing its assets.

The City owns and manages a wide variety of natural and built assets, such as parks, roads, community centers, water and storm water systems, civic buildings, emergency response equipment, and information technology. When and how the City invests in assets impacts the delivery of public services.

Please email Jennifer Amiott with your feedback or questions. 

Office of Arts & Culture's Management of the Arts Education and Access Fund

We are in the early planning phase of an audit of the City's Office of Arts & Culture's management of the Arts Education and Access Fund (AEAF). The City's Arts Tax is the source for the AEAF. 

Please email Jenny Scott with any input or questions.

Parks fiscal management 

Respondents to City surveys say their favorite part of where they live is access to outdoor and natural areas. Yet, Portland Parks & Recreation struggled with a $6.3 million budget shortfall in 2019, and significantly reduced operations during the pandemic. We recently started an audit to examine the current fiscal management of the bureau.

We want to engage with community members to help inform our audit focus. Please email Mason Atkin with any input or questions.

Climate Justice

We are in the early planning phase for an audit of the City's plans for climate justice.

Please email Elizabeth Martinez with feedback or questions.

Visit our audit report page to read what we've recently released.