The Americans with Disabilities Act’s purpose is to ensure that individuals with disabilities have the same access and opportunities as those without disabilities.
Our 2016 audit found the City makes accommodation requests difficult for individuals with disabilities and the process varies by bureau. More consistent data collection and analysis would improve the City‘s response to requests and complaints submitted by individuals with disabilities.
The Office of Equity and Human Rights made progress last year to improve the consistency of the City’s response to accommodation requests. City Code and policy were updated, and a dedicated coordinator works with staff across City bureaus. The coordinator educates bureaus on their responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act and provides resources to help staff improve accessibility of City documents and events. These new initiatives should help individuals with disabilities achieve better access to City services.
2016 Recommendation
With input from the Portland Commission on Disability, the disability community, and City bureaus, the Office of Equity and Human Rights should identify and document roles, responsibilities, and processes. The updated roles should be approved by City Council, and any budget and staffing adjustments should go through the City’s annual budget process.
2020 Auditor's Status Update: Recommendation implemented
The City Council passed a resolution in Fall 2019 directing the Office of Equity and Human Rights to establish overall City plans and policies for the Americans with Disabilities Act and directed all City bureaus and offices to implement the plans.
The Office of Equity and Human Rights adopted a rule governing Americans with Disabilities Act complaint procedures defining the roles, responsibilities, and processes. A dedicated Americans with Disabilities Act Policy Coordinator works with bureau coordinators to educate them about the Act and their roles.
2016 Recommendation
The Office of Equity and Human Rights should improve the ADA Coordinator Program Guide to ensure consistency and continuity in bureau policies and practices and identify documentation and data needs.
2020 Auditor's Status Update: Recommendation implemented
The Office developed a complaint guidance manual for City bureau staff. In addition to the complaint manual, the Office has developed guidance on making documents, meetings, and other City services more accessible.
2016 Recommendation
The Office should also improve its website, so it is more useful to individuals with disabilities.
2020 Auditor's Status Update: Recommendation in process
The City’s transition to a new website has held up progress on putting the Office’s newly created resources online. The Office is working to make its new website accessible to individuals who use screen readers or who have cognitive or learning disabilities.
View the original 2016 audit report and the 2-year audit update.
Visit our online dashboard to track the status of recommendations from other reports