Arts Access Fund Oversight Committee and Meetings

student doing art with teacher
The Arts Access Fund Oversight Committee is charged with reviewing the expenditures, progress, and outcomes of the Arts Access Fund and reporting their findings annually to City Council.
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Purpose and Responsibilities

The Arts Access Fund Oversight Committee  is charged with reviewing the expenditures, progress, and outcomes of the Arts Access Fund and reporting their findings annually to City Council.

The Arts Access Fund Oversight Committee will interact with the Office of Arts & Culture, the City of Portland's Revenue Division, the Portland area public school districts, and others as needed to fulfill its work. The oversight committee will receive information and be a checkpoint for the implementation of the Arts Education and Access Fund Income Tax and to review, comment, and advise the above mentioned organizations.

The Arts Access Fund Oversight Committee will provide an Annual Report and other reports as may be deemed necessary to City Council.

Committee Members

Members appointed by Portland City Council (as of 12/4/2024)

Current MembersTerm End Date
Jenn Falco (chair)December 2027
Hana Layson (interim vice chair)December 2028 
Ilima ConsidineDecember 2027
Leah FaureDecember 2028
Melanie HernandezDecember 2027
Jessica LagunasDecember 2028
Frank Medrano December 2027
Andre Middleton December 2028
Carlee Smith December 2027
Ellen ThomasDecember 2028
Ruth Juliet WiklerDecember 2027

Past Events

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