Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

About the Arts Access Fund

PPS Choir Students in red HeART of Portland shirts

Purple backpack with Arts Access Fund logo

The Arts  Access Fund provides for elementary arts teachers in the six school districts serving Portland and for expanded access to the arts for all Portlanders. The fund began with a ballot initiative in 2012, which established a $35 income tax on every eligible adult in Portland. School districts receive funds to hire K-5 certified arts teachers. Funds remaining after school districts have received their disbursements are distributed as grants to local arts organizations. To date, the tax has generated over $124 million dollars, providing arts teachers for 30,000 elementary school children and more than $30 million dollars in grants to local arts organizations.

30,000 children are served by the Arts Access Fund. Before the ballot measure passed in  2012 there was a lack of arts educators in Portland’s elementary schools and many children did not have access to arts education. The Arts Access Fund changed the landscape of arts education in Portland resulting in every elementary school offering at least one arts discipline. Prior to the Arts Access Fund providing funds to Portland's school districts, there were 31 K-5 Arts Teacher FTE (Full Time Equivalents) across the six districts serving Portland. In 2024, there were 111. 

Overview of the Arts Access Fund

Support the Arts Access Fund 

We know Portlanders benefit from having access to the arts, an arts education, and creative mentorship. If you’d like to support the Arts Access Fund beyond your $35 annual tax or you live outside of Portland and don’t pay the Arts Tax, your donation will help ensure community-wide access to the arts across Portland. 

Donate to the Arts Access Fund

Donations are distributed using the same criteria as tax revenues .

Frequently Asked Questions

Arts Access Fund logo on art model

Which school districts are served by the fund?

The Arts Access Fund serves Centennial, David Douglas, Parkrose, Portland Public Schools, Reynolds, and Riverdale.

How are distributions determined?

School district distributions are based on a funding formula of one Full Time Equivalent (FTE) for every 500 students:   (District K-5 Enrollment/500) x Average Teacher Salary

Do charter schools receive funds?

Yes, charter schools that enroll Portland K-5 students and whose catchment overlaps with the City of Portland’s geographical boundaries receive funds according to the funding formula. Charter schools with less than 500 Portland K-5      students receive funds on a pro rata basis based on the   number of students attending the school.

How are the grants distributed?

Any funds remaining after distributions to school districts and charter schools are distributed as grants to arts organizations. Grants are given to both expand access to the arts and to   support general operating expenses. Read this page to learn about organizations receiving grants

When and how do Portlanders pay their share of the Arts Access Fund?

Every Portland resident aged 18 or older whose household income is above the federal poverty level and whose personal income is $1,000 or more pays the tax of $35. The tax is due on the same day that federal and state income tax is due. Portlanders file a separate return with the City of Portland. Find more information on Arts Tax filing and payment here.

Who provides oversight?

The Arts Access Fund Oversight Committee is a volunteer committee charged with reviewing expenditures, progress, and outcomes of the Arts Access Fund and reporting their findings annually to City Council. Click here to see their annual reports and upcoming meetings.

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