Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

COVID-19 Customer Service Hours and Operations Changes

People working at the 311 Customer Service Center in the lobby of the Portland Building.
Most City of Portland downtown facilities will reopen to community members Wednesday, June 1, 2022, as the City transitions to a new phase in the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Most Downtown Facilities Open to Public on June 1

Most downtown City facilities reopen to the public on Wednesday, June 1, 2022. While the 1900 Building remains closed to the public until July 18, 2022, other downtown buildings will now be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (excluding federal holidays). 

People who are exhibiting symptoms of any illness should stay home and notify staff if an appointment reschedule is needed. Visit the City of Portland's COVID-19 webpage for the most up to date news and alerts related to the City's response to the pandemic.

311 Customer Service Desk

The Customer Service Desk at the Portland Building will be open to the public from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (excluding federal holidays). Staff from the City’s 311 customer service program will be available to assist community members with City information, programs and services.

Community members can also contact 311 by phone at 311 or (503) 823-4000 or by email at 311@portlandoregon.gov with any questions about how to access City services. Staff are fluent in English, Spanish, Romanian and Tagalog, and have resources to assist community members in other languages.

City Hall, The Portland Building and Other Facilities

City Hall, the Portland Building and other downtown buildings will be open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., (excluding federal holidays).

Check in-person customer service hours for the bureau you plan to visit, as bureaus have discretion in setting hours of operation.

Although City Hall is opening to the public, offices and bureaus in City Hall will decide how many days per week they will be open to the public during this new phase. Meetings with City Council offices will continue to be held by appointment only for the foreseeable future.

1900 Building

Public re-entry to the 1900 Building, which houses the Bureau of Development Services and the Portland Housing Bureau among other services, will resume on Monday, July 18. Limited in-person building permit services will be held mostly by-appointment and will resume at the Development Services Center, at 1900 SW Fourth Ave., starting the week of July 18. Most construction-related permits can be applied for online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A free online Lunch and Learn session will be held on Thursday, June 2, from noon to 1 p.m. at which community members may learn more about in-person services at the Development Services Center and ask questions of staff.

Know Before You Go

  • Masks are encouraged but not required.
  • All visitors are required to check in at the front desk or with security.
  • Check in-person customer service hours for the bureau you plan to visit, as bureaus have discretion in setting hours of operation. Although City Hall is opening to the public, offices and bureaus in City Hall will decide how many days per week they will be open to the public during this new phase. Meetings with City Council offices will continue to be held by appointment only for the foreseeable future.

How to Contact Us

Bureau of Development Services

Sewer/Stormwater/Water Customer Service (Environmental Services and Water bureaus)

  • 24-hour automated line: 503-823-7770
    • Press 1 to make a payment.
    • Press 2 to restore service if your water was disconnected for nonpayment. See more information below.
    • Press 3 for after-hour water emergencies.
  • Email: PWBCustomerService@portlandoregon.gov
  • Make a payment online
  • Water emergencies: 503-823-4874 (24-hour Emergency Dispatch Hotline)
  • Questions about water quality:

Bureau of Environmental Services

  • General inquiry: 503-823-7740
  • Report a sewage release (24-hour Emergency Dispatch Hotline): 503-823-1700
  • More specific contact info for construction projects may be found on our Construction Projects page

Bureau Human Resources

Bureau of Planning and Sustainability

Office of Community & Civic Life

Portland Bureau of Transportation 

  • For emergency road hazards call 24/7 maintenance dispatch at 503-823-1700.  
  • For general PBOT questions, please call 311 or 503-823-4000 or email 311@portlandoregon.gov
  • Information subject to change. For up to date information, visit PBOT’s main page at portland.gov/transportation.  

Portland Fire & Rescue

Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R)

Portland Police Bureau

  • Emergencies: 9-1-1
  • Non-Emergencies: (503) 823-3333
  • File an Online report
  • General questions: visit us online or call Central precinct desk: 503-823-0097

Portland Housing Bureau and the Rental Services Office


PDX 311 Customer Service Program

phone number311Information and Customer Service
phone number503-823-4000Every day, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. (excluding federal holidays) Interpretation available | Interpretación disponible | Phiên dịch có sẵn | 提供口译服务 | Доступна интерпретация | Tafsiir la heli karo | Доступний переклад
Oregon Relay Service711Oregon Relay Service

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