Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Request an ADA Accommodation

Request an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for any City of Portland program, service, event, or activity. To ensure the best response, please make your request at least five business days before the program or event, if possible.

5 to 8 minutes

Use the form below to request an accommodation, alternative format of communication, American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter or modification of policies and procedures in order to access City of Portland programs, services, events, and activities. If you prefer, you can also call 503-823-4000 and 311 Program staff will assist you.

Information related to ADA Title I Reasonable Accommodations for current and prospective employees is available from the Bureau of Human Resources.

How would you like to make your request?

Please make a selection to continue.

Next Steps

Please call us at 311(503) 823-4000, or 711 for TTY via Oregon Relay Service. Staff are available daily, excluding federal holidays. Visit PDX 311 for hours and details.

Who are you making this request or complaint for?


By selecting this option, I am attesting that I have a disability covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act and that the information I’m providing in this form is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief.


By selecting this option, I am attesting that the person for whom I am making this request or complaint for has a disability covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act and that the information I’m providing in this form is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief.


This selection would be used if you are trying to report an observation, issue or concern that you believe may affect or pose a threat to the general public, especially those living with a disability. Please contact us at 311 or for assistance.

Have you obtained permission from them to file this complaint? Or, do you have a legal relationship that allows you to make a complaint on their behalf?

Next Steps

Please obtain their permission before submitting this form.


Confidentiality Waiver
It is City policy to keep the information you provide on this form confidential. Your information will be kept confidential unless you check the box certifying that you would like to waive confidentiality.
I would like to request that the City...
Please describe your request. To protect your privacy, do not include any personal or health-related information.
What type of assistance do you need?

Request Materials

Are the materials you are requesting...
Please describe the materials.

Event Details

Please specify the City bureau, office, program, project, or elected official that is hosting the event, if you know.
Please copy and paste the URL address of the event, program, or material’s website, if known.

Event Accommodations

What type of accommodations are you requesting?
Check all that apply.
Please describe your request. To protect your privacy, do not include any personal or health-related information.
Which type of communications aids would you prefer?
Please describe your request. To protect your privacy, do not include any personal or health-related information.
Which format of event materials would you prefer?
Please describe your request. To protect your privacy, do not include any personal or health-related information.

Remove Barrier

What type of issue are you reporting? How can we make access easier for you?
Please describe.
Location of barrier or issue
If this location has a name, such as a business or public building, please enter it here.
Please provide any other details that might help us locate the site you are reporting.
Please describe the issue in detail. How can we make it easier to access your city? To protect your privacy, do not include any personal or health-related information.

Change Policy

Please describe the policy or procedure change you are requesting. To protect your privacy, do not include any personal or health-related information.

Contact Information

If you give us your email, we will send ADA registration accommodation information and instructions ahead of each registration session so you do not need to submit another request. If you do not have an email, please write, "" in this box and submit a new request the next time you need accommodation.
Please select a phone option


PDX 311 Customer Service Program

phone number311Information and Customer Service
phone number503-823-4000Every day, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. (excluding federal holidays) Interpretation available | Interpretación disponible | Phiên dịch có sẵn | 提供口译服务 | Доступна интерпретация | Tafsiir la heli karo | Доступний переклад
Oregon Relay Service711Oregon Relay Service

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